Saturday - February 15, 2025
Perdue Discusses Sequestration
Written by Josh Zach   
Thursday, 02 August 2012 11:46

(CARY) --  North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue met on Wednesday with North Carolina aerospace and defense industry leaders at Lord Corporation in Cary to discuss the approaching danger of federal defense budget cuts, known as sequestration, set to begin January 2, 2013. Perdue says it's not a good deal for the state or the country.

"Across the board cuts to defense and non-defense accounts, with no regard to the long term impact on this specific cluster, I believe are bad for America ... and I know it's bad for North Carolina."

Thousand jobs are at risk in North Carolina under sequestration cuts which effect defense and domestic programs. The Governor says it impacts more than just defense jobs.

"We think 4,000 plus education positions will be gone ... The impact will ripple across North Carolina, I'm told 11,000 people will receive warn letters in November. Then, who knows, as many as 29,000 [in North Carolina] could lose their jobs if this comes to fruition next year."

Perdue discussed putting a halt to federal defense budget cuts that will take effect in January if Congress doesn't act soon.  She says part of the problem is just that - inaction on the part of lawmakers.

"We send people to their jobs. I do mine, other people do theirs, and [the one's who go to Washington D.C.] aught to do theirs."

The cuts are expected to total one trillion dollars.



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